Articles — #hairlife

Low Level Laser Therapy
Low Level Lasers were first seen to have a therapeutic effect on hair growth as early as the 1960’s when a study on their effect...

Medications that can cause hair loss
Alopecia, also commonly known as hair loss, can sometimes occur as a result of taking some medications. The risk of drug-induced alopecia depends both on...

The Hamilton-Norwood Scale for Men
The Hamilton-Norwood scale was created to show the progression of male-pattern baldness, it’s an accepted standard scale. It was developed by James Hamilton in the...

Telogen Effluvium
Spotting Telogen Effluvium SymptomsOur hair has a natural life cycle including growing and resting phases. So it’s very natural and normal to lose between 30...

DHT Hair Loss - Androgenic Alopecia
The most common type of hair loss is DHT hair loss, also known as Androgenic Alopecia. The odds of having DHT are slim at a...

How Hair Grows
To understand how hair grows, we first need to look at its parts. Hair is made up of two parts: the follicle and the shaft.The...

The Hair Growth Cycle
The hair cycle is made up of four phases: the anagen phase, the catagen phase, the telogen phase and the exogen phase.Anagen (Hair Growth) PhaseThe...

The Anatomy Of The Hair Follicle
Hair follicles are small, pocket-like holes in our skin and they grow hair. The average human has about 100,000 hair follicles on the scalp alone....